Dan Munson

Interim Pastor

Dan is serving as our Interim Pastor during our time of pastoral vacancy. His spiritual guidance and many years of experience have made him the perfect fit for this time of transition.


Travis Berry

Director of Youth Ministry

Travis and the youth team seek to reach our Middle and High School students with the Gospel of Jesus and to equip them to make Jesus known.  

Shannon Stoel

Administrative Assistant

Shannon is our administrative assistant who oversees all church communication, organization, and support for the ministry and vision of our church.  

Wilson Brouwer

Church Administrator

Wilson volunteers his time to provide oversight to the general ministry of the church, personnel, and day-to-day operations.

Tara Stoel

Worship Coordinator

Tara is responsible for coordinating all things relating to our Worship Services and Worship Teams.

Jennifer Breems


Jennifer is our Administrative 

Deacon who manages all the treasurer/bookkeeping 
